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Susan Evensong
Sloan Ye'tovich
6 posters

    RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Wed May 06, 2015 11:55 pm

    Moments later Val and Xhiero enter the bar to find Azazel holding Susan by the hair.

    "AZAZEL! What are you doing?!?!?!" He ran over to them and slap her hand off.

    Xhiero watched the commotion and rubbed his temples.
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Wed May 06, 2015 11:58 pm

    Starting to cough after being encouraged to drink in such an.... unorthodox way Susan hides behind Val.

    "It was so scaarrryyy!"
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 12:00 am

    Azazel shoves the bottle of alcohol into Val's hands. "If she remains sober for a moment longer, I will kill her. Or myself. It is a toss up." She shoves her way passed Val and Xhiero and goes down into the basement to sequester herself in the quietest place she can find.
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 12:13 am

    "Azi.." Val passed the bottle to Susan and pushed her back towards the couch. "Go drink yourself back to normal before she kills you. No more singing. Even though you play very well."

    He turned back to Xhiero and nodded a thanks. Val's head looked between Azazel and Susan. He wanted to talk to Azazel, but can't help but feel that Susan was still not safe to be left alone.

    "Can you talk to my sis. I promise I'll help clean up the place in return." Val begged him. "And cook?"

    "Fine...since you seem to be able to cook unlike her sister." He turned towards the basement and walked down the stairs. Spotting Azazel in the corner of the basement where the light bulb was burnt out.

    "Hey..." he paused not knowing what else to say.
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 12:16 am

    Azazel looks up at Xhiero, eyebrow raised. "... Hello. What brings you here?"
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Thu May 07, 2015 12:17 am

    Susan happily sits on the couch and starts chugging the bottle, pausing to look up at him.

    "You can go comfort your sister. If there is one thing I know how to do it is drink."

    She leans over and kisses him with a grin.

    "Not that I mind your company 'cuz I love you."

    Realizing the words that just exited her mouth Susan frowns and starts drinking more quickly.

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Thu May 07, 2015 12:22 am

    "Your brother? He couldn't leave the crazy woman alone, but wanted to comfort you at the same time. He asked me to go talk to you."
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 12:25 am

    "I already sent Xhiero. It be awkward for the poor man if I suddenly came down and ruined his purpose."

    He chuckled at her confession.

    "I love you too. Regardless if you are sober or drunk...but please don't say anything strange like touching my tits. Even thought I can change into a female...I am pretty sure my mind was born a man."

    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 12:27 am

    "Of course he did." She snorts. "Do not worry about it. My short temper is not your problem."

    She tilts her head at him. "I am curious though. What were you planning on saying to 'comfort' me?"
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Thu May 07, 2015 12:31 am

    Susan downs the bottle and grins at Val.

    "No promises."

    Her vision already beginning to appear more clear she looks for another drink.

    "You... probably shouldn't tell anyone about what happened today. Ever."
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 12:42 am

    Val walked to the counter and grabbed more bottles, bringing it over to Susan.

    "I take it you don't want to have sex with me or touch my tits anymore." He laughed and handed her a new bottle.

    "I admit, sober Susan is adorable...however the creepy side is overwhelming."

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Thu May 07, 2015 12:43 am

    "I don't know..." He handed her a carton of chocolate milk and some candy.

    "It is hard to comfort someone when you don't really know much about them."
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Thu May 07, 2015 12:46 am

    Wordlessly taking a bottle she tilts her head and stares at him.

    "Oh no, I always want to have sex with you. And, aren't I always adorable?" She grins and takes another drink before suddenly frowning.

    "I'm sorry I worried you, both when I first returned and then with the insanity that often accompanies my sobriety."
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 12:48 am

    "True enough." She happily accepts the candies, opens the box and pops one in her mouth before holding them out to offer some to Xhiero. "What was it you said? 'No fun eating alone'?"
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 12:55 am

    "How can you openly say that in public without being embarrassed. Yes you are always adorable. But when you are sober...you are more...clingy. Something I wish you would do more."

    "There's no need to worry about me. All these events allow me to know more about you. Now I know what to be prepared for when you don't drink for a long period of time." He leaned his weight against the couch's arm and watch her drink.


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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Thu May 07, 2015 12:57 am

    He picked out a small piece of chocolate and sat down on the floor. Xhiero unwrapped the candy and looked at it.

    "Hey...you want to know something?"
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 12:59 am

    "Sure?" She looks up at him expectantly.

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Thu May 07, 2015 1:02 am

    "I got a mint chocolate." He held it up towards her.
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Thu May 07, 2015 1:05 am

    "Because I enjoyed it, and as I've told you many times, I pursue the things I enjoy somewhat relentlessly." Susan winks before rolling her eyes.

    "That and the fact that it seems to embarrass you so much. Even though the subject is somewhat embarrassing for me, how can I resist an opportunity to tease you? You're usually the one teasing me, so I need to cause all the torment I can!"

    Wrapping her arms around his neck she grins.

    "I can't promise I'll do this frequently, but every once in awhile I suppose it will be alright. So, what did you say to Xhiero?"
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 1:08 am

    "Ass." Azazel smacks his hand away from her, but a slight smirk tugs at her lips. The smirk fades, however, as she peers down into the box of chocolates. She sighs and closes the box, setting it next to her.

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Thu May 07, 2015 1:12 am

    "Did I ruin your appetite? I'll take all the mint ones out." He picked up the box and began to pick out the mint flavored ones.
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 1:15 am

    "You are willing to put yourself outside of your comfort zone to torture me? That is quite bold."

    He looked away as she wrapped herself around him.

    "What do you mean? To let you drink again? I was mentioning that I would do the chores around here in return to make up for your rudeness."
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Thu May 07, 2015 1:17 am

    "Why would anyone ruin perfectly good chocolate with mint anyway?" She leans her head the wall and looks up at Xhiero. "You are being awfully nice this evening. After running from me all day."
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Thu May 07, 2015 1:22 am

    "I'm at my best when torturing someone! And it is so hard to find a good way to torture you, you keep that calm, happy act so damned consistently, if I have to leave my comfort zone to pick on you, then so be it!"

    She starts to sulk as he looks away from her.

    "Thank you for that. Why are you looking away? Is something bothering you?"
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 18 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Thu May 07, 2015 1:28 am

    "No, it is nothing." He turned his head around and kissed her on the cheek.

    "Are you feeling better?"

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