Spirit-Chaser Strategy Guide

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Leopold von Vechtan
Dungeon Master Orange
Limbo von Vechtan
9 posters

    Rescue at Rivenroar

    Chance Gardyloo
    Chance Gardyloo

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Chance Gardyloo Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:04 am

    With trembling legs, Chance walks up within sight of the melee. Shaking all over she holds her hands together and up to her face. She takes a breath trying to steady her mind (it doesn't work much) and opens her hands palm out toward the grunt by the doors. A bright red spark of light speeds from her hands with a Vvvzzzthop sound striking the grunt. A cloud of sparks and another large red spark erupt from the grunt's chest. The second large spark vvvzzzthops toward the grunt at the bar to explode into sparks that crackle and pop in various colors.

    Arc Lighting: Int vs Reflex ( +5 vs Reflex) 1d6+5 damage.

    To Hit first target D20+5
    Damage First target D6+5

    To Hit second target D20+5
    Damage Second target D6+5
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:04 am

    The member 'Chance Gardyloo' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice15


    #2 'd6' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced6
    #2 Result : 1


    #3 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice19


    #4 'd6' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced6
    #4 Result : 1
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:46 pm

    Rennyr Viceroy wrote:Rennyr flutters onto the shoulder of one of the patrons.

    "Well hey there cutie, don't mind me."

    And then proceeds to lob another fireball.

    "Hope I didn't singe your hair, if I did maybe I can buy you a drink after this."
    The patron freezes. Not only is he surprised and confused, but he's smart enough to guess it might be safer if he stood still for this.

    Your shoulder-launched fireball streaks toward the goblin blackblade, who was readying another Molotov, and now has turned just in time. His thoughts are mighty clear: Oh Shit. Your attack hits! In addition, it has lit his two remaining Molotovs, which drop from his singed belt loops and start fires in his square and that of the closest grunt! Caught in the flame without warning, the goblin has managed to kill off one of his own hobgoblin allies. Whoops.

    Chance Gardyloo wrote: A bright red spark of light speeds from her hands with a Vvvzzzthop sound striking the grunt. A cloud of sparks and another large red spark erupt from the grunt's chest. The second large spark vvvzzzthops toward the grunt at the bar to explode into sparks that crackle and pop in various colors.

    Chance's magic also finds its mark--or, rather, both of them--perfectly. One grunt after the other fall to the ground. The blast of sparks finally puts the poor terrified man at the bar over the edge, and he passes out.

    All the while, Vasani yucks it up in the corner.

    Next up: Cameron
    Leopold von Vechtan
    Leopold von Vechtan
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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Leopold von Vechtan Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:50 pm

    Cameron steps towards, and delivers a heavy punch right in to the flaming hobgoblin's gut.

    +4 vs. Fortitude,

    2d8+4 Damage if it works.

    Also, might take another action depending on the results!

    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:50 pm

    The member 'Cameron del'Mar' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice14


    #2 'd8' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced8
    #2 Result : 6, 7
    Leopold von Vechtan
    Leopold von Vechtan
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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Leopold von Vechtan Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:01 pm

    Cameron del'Mar wrote:Cameron steps towards, and delivers a heavy punch right in to the flaming hobgoblin's gut.

    +4 vs. Fortitude,

    2d8+4 Damage if it works.

    Also, might take another action depending on the results!

    Cameron lets his own momentum carry him, and he tosses the goblin towards the doorway of the bar, dealing 3 damage! The priest sighs, hoping the flaming body will make any other hobgoblins have second thoughts. Gus quietly walks up beside him.
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:05 am

    Cameron del'Mar wrote:Cameron lets his own momentum carry him, and he tosses the goblin towards the doorway of the bar, dealing 3 damage! The priest sighs, hoping the flaming body will make any other hobgoblins have second thoughts.
    The last goblin, dead, is tossed out the door by Cameron. The fires look like they're going to spread, but for now no more goblins remain. Judging from the distant shouts you imagine that more may be on their way and just haven't arrived yet.

    The bartender gets up from the floor and tries to put some distance between himself and the fire behind the bar...he knows the booze will go up any minute. Rennyr's perch decides to stay put, while the men at the card table cautiously debate picking up their disrupted game.

    Start of Round 3!
    Next up: Vasani Er...oops. Me, apparently. To Be Continued...
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:17 pm

    Sure enough, two more hobgoblins rush into the bar. Practically running in to Cameron and Gus, they swing at each respectively. Cameron is hit! But Gus remains unperturbed.

    Cameron takes 5 damage!

    What the grunt in front of Cameron didn't count on was the spreading flame. The fire expands into his square, killing him. With a fwoosh, the entire space behind the bar also goes up! Another drink is now out of the question.

    Next up: Rennyr
    Clerical Error

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Clerical Error Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:41 pm

    Rennyr begins to summon another fireball, then glances at the burning wreckage surrounding her... perhaps that is enough fireballs... FOR NOW...

    Instead a strange ball of power appears in the palm of her hand, a mixture of a strange blue and a sickly green, the room seems colder. Rennyr lobs the ball of nightmares at the last remaining grunt.

    "Nightmare eruption, still effective, less messy."

    +4 vs Will

    Assuming I hit:

    1d8 +4

    Any ENEMY that ends its turn adjacent to this dude takes 4 damage.

    Last edited by Rennyr Viceroy on Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:41 pm

    The member 'Rennyr Viceroy' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice17


    #2 'd8' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced8
    #2 Result : 3
    Chance Gardyloo
    Chance Gardyloo

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Chance Gardyloo Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:30 am

    With no immediate enemies present, Chance starts to edge her way to the door. A fire is crackling merrily in front of it so she scans the room for any other way out just in case she can't get past the fires. If there's on thing she can be counted on, its always knowing the exits.

    Rolling to look for other exits if I need them. Dunno what that would be. Perception perhaps? +0
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:30 am

    The member 'Chance Gardyloo' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice5
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:10 pm

    The grunt is killed by Rennyr's nightmare eruption, leaving the bar enemy-free for another moment. Chance, using the time to chart her exits, notices a back door at the end of a sort of short hall in the rear of the bar. Handy! She supposes, in a pinch, she may also be able to get through the windows at the front of the bar...

    The man formerly known as Rennyr's perch begins to drag his fellow townsman away from the burning bar, though he doesn't manage to make it far. The bartender seems to be unwilling to leave his bar to the flames but eventually decides he can be more helpful in other ways. "I'm headin' out to get the guards and a bucket brigade! Ya'll seem capable of holding off any more of them," he shouts. "I'd offer ya beer, but...you know." He disappears from sight out the back door.  

    The fires continue to burn, and you can still hear shouts in the distance.

    Next up: Vasani and start of Round 4

    Last edited by DM Melly on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Pirate Queen

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Vasani Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:12 pm

    Vasani scans what used to be a quaint little bar. Nothing but flames and hobgoblin corpses remain. She surveys the carnage near the door and decides its not worth it.

    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Tumblr_ly2mc6NsKM1qi0d7lo6_250

    She starts whistling a happy little tune, struts around the table and hoists up one of the chairs. With a quick glance around the room, she casually swings the chair at the nearby window and it shatters into a shower of jagged little shards.
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:33 pm

    A grunt and a goblin turn the corner, ready to rush the bar and cause mischief. Their advance screeches to a halt as they observe a chair sail gracefully through the far window of the bar. A lit Molotov is held, forgotten, in the hand of the goblin. You can see them look confusedly at the open door...then back at the shattered glass. They look at Cameron and Gus through the door...then back through the opening of the window. Vasani waves.

    The Goblins are confused and take no further action!
    Next up: Rennyr
    Clerical Error

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Clerical Error Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:41 pm

    "Well if we are throwing shit through windows I am going to use some more God Damned Fireballs"

    1d20 +4 vs Fort

    If I hit:

    1 d10 +4

    Same rules as before, crispy and stuff
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:41 pm

    The member 'Rennyr Viceroy' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice17


    #2 'd10' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced10
    #2 Result : 10
    Ashley Garlyn
    Ashley Garlyn

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Ashley Garlyn Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:24 am

    please, for the love of god, if i do anything remotely wrong, please tell me asap. i know nothing about d&d and I'm flying by the seat of my pants and a wiki article

    In the atmosphere that could only be described as, calmly chaotic, a door slowly opened.  It wasn't a particularly fancy door - just wide enough for a patron to pass through and then quietly forget about until it opened again.  And through this now visible, invisible door shot out a black cat.  

    "You know I hate it when you rush into the bath with me..." A soft voice soon followed.

    As the door opened further, a half-elf was revealed.  

    Instantly, his azure eyes took in the smoke that billowed past his head, the now mostly empty bar with the gratuitous blood stains on the floor, and a gaping hole where some floor boards used to be.  

    Ashley looked down at the cat's yellow eyes.  "How long was I in there for?"

    In reply, Magnus the black cat tilted his head and purred contentedly, butting his head against the wall.  

    "I see."

    Though clearly, he didn't see at all.

    A crackle had him turning his head, noticing that the smoke seemed to be originating from the bar, and his oneuponatime, seat... It had been comfortable.  Unconsciously, he reached up and pulled on his earlobe, and squinted into the fray.  "Excuse me," He ventured, though didn't bother to raise his voice.  "You do all realize that the bar is on fire... next to the alcohol."

    A mew distracted him and he looked down- "Oh, Gods Magnus - could you not chew on a goblin corpse?"

    The happy cat butted his new friend before tilted his head so far to the side that he flopped over, still purring up a storm.

    Ashley covered his face with the palm of his hand.  

    "Idiot creature..."

    Rolling for Initative+0
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:24 am

    The member 'Ashley Garlyn' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice5
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:51 pm

    A new party member has joined! Ashley has taken his place in initiative after Cameron.

    Rennyr's fireball connects with the dazed goblin. Though he is still standing, he is most definitely bloodied.

    "Bloodied" = The target's health is at or below half its total value. I'll at least try to define some terms here as they come up! And of course any of us are available for any other questions or clarifications as things get more complicated.

    Next up: Chance
    Chance Gardyloo
    Chance Gardyloo

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Chance Gardyloo Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:07 am

    Chance gulps at the 2 creatures in front of her. She just wanted them to go away. wringing her hands she summoned one of the worse spells she knew so far. Beneath the feet of the grunt, a spinning disk of multi-colored sparks started whirring and sputtering. Both grunt and blackblade are caught up in the sparks.

    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 4829985-fireworks--ground-spinners-or-ground-wheels-or-charkhi

    Burning Hands
    +5 vs Reflex
    on hit 2D6+5
    on miss half damage
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:07 am

    The member 'Chance Gardyloo' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd20' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdice17


    #2 'd6' :
    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Forumdiced6
    #2 Result : 5, 6
    Limbo von Vechtan
    Limbo von Vechtan

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Limbo von Vechtan Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:40 pm

    In a display of sparks and reluctant wizardry, Chance finishes off the last two invaders. Needless to say...you all decide its best leave the burning bar and take a short rest while you can.

    Thankfully, the bartender and other surviving bar patrons return with a bucket brigade and begin the work of putting out the fires. Soon after, the bar still steaming, a battered and bruised city watch patrol arrives.

    One of the higher-ranking men wearily steps forward. "Gods, here too...? What the hell happened?"

    Short Rest: When outside of an encounter, you can take a short rest. This gives you a chance to spend any number of healing surges (which you can find on your character sheet) in order to regain any lost health. Each one recovers a set amount of HP unique to each character...this value should be in the same section as your surges. Healing surges are limited, however! You will not regain surges until you take an extended rest...which I'll go over in more detail when it comes up.
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:48 pm

    Character switch~!

    A dwarf walks in alongside the rest of the bucket brigade, looking to help. He is stocky and short; the quintessential dwarf. He boasts a red mohawk and a large red braided beard, and is wearing a plaid, olive colored kilt, with a black tank-top and boots. His brow furrows as his attention turns to the burning bar. "Oy.. that's a damn shame. What'ah damn waste."

    The dwarf than notices Vasani and Cameron, and perks up. "OY! HEY! CAMMIE, VASANI! IT'S MEH, MEADBEARD! I'M ADVENTURIN'! MIND IF I JOIN YA?"

    Mead walks up to one of the guards, and promptly asks, "Here too, eh? Where else they at?"
    Pirate Queen

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    Rescue at Rivenroar - Page 3 Empty Re: Rescue at Rivenroar

    Post  Vasani Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:36 pm

    Vasani waves at Meadbeard and passes him a half full stein of ale. She heads over to Mr. High Ranking Guard.

    "You, my good man, seem to have a hobgoblin problem." She smiles sweetly at him. "No worries though. We took care of them. Sadly, the same can not be said for this lovely tavern however. And we do indeed accept coin as a reward. Thank you!"

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