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Susan Evensong
Sloan Ye'tovich
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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4


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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 2:28 am

    "I told you the paintings were unfinished. I tend to fill out the form of the body first before adding other details, like clothes." He said, walking around Azazel. " I don't ogle at people like someone."
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 2:30 am

    Azazel chuckled and follows behind him. "Oh, ogling is the last thing I would accuse you of. I was genuinely curious. I am not privy to art techniques."

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 2:36 am

    "Well now you know." He walks faster when he noticed Azazel was still following him. "You should probably head back to your training. I wouldn't want to interrupt you and your hard work."
    The Executioner

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    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 2:39 am

    "I got plenty training in while you and Susan were bickering." She smirks and keeps pace with him. "Why are you so keen on getting rid of me all of a sudden?"

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    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 2:42 am

    "Because I don't know what to do with you. Usually guests just rent a room and disappear until they are ready to leave. They don't....follow me and prod me."

    He misty step forward when she caught up.
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 2:45 am

    Azazel merely misty steps right behind him again. "Perhaps you need more interesting guests. What do you normally do with your friends?"

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 2:48 am

    "Friend...I avoid her." He stopped giving up on running. "You are starting to remind me of her. She likes to ogle and prod me as well. Luckily you don't walk in on me when I bathe."
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 2:56 am

    "I ogled you once!" She throws her hands in the air, before registering the rest of what he said.

    "You... avoid your friend?" Azazel drops her smirk and her brow furrows in confusion. "Why would you.. "

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    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 2:58 am

    "You don't understand until you meet her. She's a pampered princess." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Noticing that Azazel lost her smirk. "What's the matter?"
    The Executioner

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    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 3:03 am

    "It is nothing." Azazel shakes her head and barks out a laugh. "All this time trying to play nice to be friends and it turns out you avoid your friends."

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 3:06 am

    "Why would you...want to be..my friend?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "You will be rather disappointed having me as a friend."
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 3:10 am

    Azazel looks at him, incredulous. "Besides that we share many of the same interests, you can bake and draw like a god, and you are typically not exhausting to be around? Why would I not want to be your friend?"
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Wed May 06, 2015 9:15 am

    Susan enters her office and sighs at the devestation. It would seem the group of people presently residing in it have taken the time to destroy nearly every object.

    Calmly she walks over to the remains of her desk and flips a switch. The pile of debris vanish and are immediately replaced by a new desk and chair. Without a word she sits down and looks up at the party with a pleasant smile.

    "It would seem you've done a great deal of damage to my office."


    "Well, you did march in here and threaten to... oh where is it?" Susan shuffles some papers and comes to a page before smiling more "Ah, yes! 'Burn this place to the fucking ground and salt the ashes'." Susan's smile does not fade, if anything it seems to become more friendly.

    Now, while I don't necessarily mind wholesale destruction. It is somewhat unbecoming of a business partner. Not to mention how expensive rebuilding this entire set of offices would be. My staff, knowing my feelings on unnecessary spending, felt that the best course of action would be to detain you. I trust they kept you well fed for the duration of your stay?"

    Someone in the back of the party scoffs and says something rude. Susan's smile widens even more.

    "Perhaps, you would like to discuss the source of our disagreement? Surely, we could come to an amicable solution."

    The man who seems to have taken the role as leader of the group grabs Susan by the front of her shirt and glares.

    "We are beyond the point of reaching any sort of solution with you people. I'd sooner see this place wiped off the map then continue to do business with you."

    Susan's smile doesn't leave her face, but it does freeze momentarily as she gently pries his hands off of her shirt.

    "I'm incredibly sorry to hear that. We here at Evensong Inc. do so pride ourselves on our cooperation with other businesses." She says her voice filled with sympathy, as she reaches under her desk.

    The man tenses ready for her to pull out a weapon and relaxes as instead she pulls out a strange mask and puts it on.

    "What is that mask for?"

    "Mts Mur Da Mas!" Susan tries to say but her voice is somewhat muffled.


    Susan replies again but her voice is still too muffled.


    Susan sighs and removes the mask for a moment.

    "It is for the gas!" She declares before putting the mask back on. As soon as it is reapplied the room starts to fill with a strange green smoke. She leans back in her chair as she watches the people in the room try and fail to find an exit. As they fall to the floor one by one, her smile is the biggest its ever been.

    Several hours later she returns to the bar in an excellent mood, her hair still smelling slightly of poison gas.

    "Luuuuccccyyy I'm hooooome!" Susan declares as she walks in with a grin. "Did you miss me?"

    Suddenly she wobbles being overwhelmed with a wave of dizziness. Regaining her balance she frowns.


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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 12:12 pm

    "Perhaps I am not exhausting because I always run away." He sighed. "Is this friendship your way of making me cook for you for eternity?"
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Wed May 06, 2015 12:23 pm

    Val returned through the portal with a large bag. He dumped it into his room before heading downstairs to find Susan alone at the bar. His smile became a frown when he saw her wobble.

    "What are you doing?" Val walked up and help her stay stable by wrapping his arms around her waist. His eyes widen widen at the scent of poison, something he was familiar with.

    "Why do you smell like poison!? Get it off of you now." He picked her up and carried her to her room. Val dumped her off in the bathroom and helped her take over her clothes before tying a towel around her. Filling the bathtub with warm water and plopping Susan in. He starts scrubbing her messy, poisonous hair.

    "Who did you pick a fight with? I'll rip them apart if they are still alive." He growled with anger.
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 12:26 pm

    "You running away is perhaps the most exhausting part of you." She grins over at him. "And if being your friend comes with an eternity of food, all the better."
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Wed May 06, 2015 12:41 pm

    He quietly sinks his face into his palm. He pulled put a mint and dangled it in front of Azazel.

    "Good thing I found your weakness. Now to make this into a repellent spray."
    The Executioner

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    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 12:52 pm

    Azazel backs against the wall and freezes, glaring at Xhiero. "If you start this, expect to have me clinging to you a lot more."
    Susan Evensong
    Susan Evensong

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Susan Evensong Wed May 06, 2015 2:00 pm

    "It's nothi- oof!" Susan is interrupted when Val scoops her up and carries her upstairs. She frowns at him as he plops her in the tub.

    "You've grown so bold about removing my clothing."

    She squirms while he scrubs her hair and winces slightly when he scrubs a little too hard.

    Nope, that isn't helping my headache.

    "Ow, that hurts!" She bats at his hand with a slight pout.

    " I'm hurt that you assume I started it. It wasn't my.fault this time! However, it is nothing to worry about, it was simply a meeting gone awry. But no, they aren't alive, that is why I smell like I shampooed with poison today."

    She tilts her head and looks up at him.

    "Why do you seem so angry?"

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 5:36 pm

    "You can't cling to what repels you." He laughed as he walked away with the mint.

    "Maybe I should start carrying a pouch of these around more often."
    Sloan Ye'tovich
    Sloan Ye'tovich

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Sloan Ye'tovich Wed May 06, 2015 5:40 pm

    Val stopped and starts scrubbing gentler.

    "I guess I got a little worried that someone hurt you.." He stopped shampooing her hair and began to rinse the soap out.

    "I'll go make you some tea. Maybe it will help you get back to normal. Clean the rest of yourself while I am gone." Val got up and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
    The Executioner

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 5:44 pm

    Azazel follows behind him. "That sounds an awful lot like a challenge."

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 5:48 pm

    "Must you treat everything as a challenge or a battle?" He flung the mint behind him towards Azazel. Xhiero stopped in front of his room and stepped through.

    "This is the border where Azazels are not allowed over." He pointed at the doorway and retreated into his safe haven. Sitting on his bed and reading a book.
    The Executioner

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    Post  Azazel Wed May 06, 2015 5:53 pm

    "Only when someone makes the challenge so blatantly obvious." Azazel dodges the sprig of mint and crushes it under her boot. She leans in Xhiero's doorway in silence and calmly examines her gauntlet.

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    RP Free for All: Chapter 4 - Page 15 Empty Re: RP Free for All: Chapter 4

    Post  Xhiero/Val Wed May 06, 2015 6:11 pm

    At least she listens..she will grow bored and leave. Soon.

    Xhiero continue to flip through the page of his book, reading one ghost story to another.

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