Susan Evensong Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:56 pm
Skull Crusher glances down at Susan.
"Do you think she's going to wear whatever he's trying to get her into?"
"Debatable, but he is good at talking her into stuff." She returns his gaze. "By the way, we should discuss the terms of your employment."
"Discuss away, ma'am"
"Your primary duty is to head the rebuilding and reorganizing of the black market, which should heavily favor Evensong products. Of course, we should have a legitimate business set up as a front. Might I suggest one that specializes in good luck charms?"
Susan smirks at this, people will buy anything if they think it will bring them luck.
"For now though, you may act as a bodyguard. Not that there is much to guard us from here... Perhaps we'll also consider keeping Azazel out of trouble part of your job. You seem to be rather good at it...."
"Ma'am, I can't promise to keep Azazel out of trouble. I might even get her into more trouble."
"Well then, in instances where you cannot keep her out of trouble, your pay will reflect your failure. Oh, one more thing..."
Susan frowns and kicks at the ground... stupid Etheyl and her stupid feelings...
"If you hurt my friend, you will be terminated immediately."
"Yes, ma'am."