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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:50 pm

    Dungeon wrote:The member 'Tabitha Oakenfleur' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice9

    Despite your best efforts you slip into unconsciousness, the outraged squeal from the intercom when you flipped the table does bring you some comfort.
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:53 pm

    Dungeon wrote:The member 'Vasani Shepard' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice1

    .... Somehow you hit your head on the table and pass out more quickly then everyone else.
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:09 pm

    Dungeon Master Orange wrote:Klumn, acting on a hunch, runs over and stuffs his face full of one of the pastries that he picked up off the ground. At least if he dies (again) he can die eating a delicious pastry while breathing in horrible toxin, or die eating poisoned pastry. Maybe he should bring one to give to Death this time around.

    Your unparalleled willpower and discipline allows you to stay awake far longer than the others.

    As you finally succumb to sleep's sweet siren call you notice that the ceiling begins to open. (So that is how you got in here!) and three figures in gas masks lower themselves to the ground.

    "Sorry about this." One whispers "But hey, those pastries were delicious, right?"

    You feel yourself being gently lifted up and everything goes black.

    You all gain 10 XP! And YUMMY PASTRIES!
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:46 pm

    You open your eyes to see three men standing a safe distance from you. You notice that you are at a gallows, bound from the neck down. It also seems as if for some reason you aren't able to use magic.

    "Oh, are you finally awake? Hello! I am Melichor the Mighty!" Says the most rotund one.

    "I'm Vandemeer the Valliant!" says another.

    "And I'm Tom!" says the youngest of the trio.

    "I hope you enjoyed your stay in our dungeon." Melichor continues. "Your escape attempt was quite amazing! I was just telling Edwin the Executioner about it. It really warms the heart to see someone with so determination, shows good ol' fashioned values if you ask me. It is almost a shame that you are gonna be executed."
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:01 pm

    Metah Fore wrote:
    You open your eyes to see three men standing a safe distance from you. You notice that you are at a gallows, bound from the neck down. It also seems as if for some reason you aren't able to use magic.

    "Oh, are you finally awake? Hello! I am Melichor the Mighty!" Says the most rotund one.

    "I'm Vandemeer the Valliant!" says another.

    "And I'm Tom!" says the youngest of the trio.

    "I hope you enjoyed your stay in our dungeon." Melichor continues. "Your escape attempt was quite amazing! I was just telling Edwin the Executioner about it. It really warms the heart to see someone with so determination, shows good ol' fashioned values if you ask me. It is almost a shame that you are gonna be executed."

    Klumn von Vechtan smiles, masking the fear of inevitable death. He gently bows (as much as he can bound up the way he is).

    "I must say, this is a grand spectacle you are putting on, and I am one to know of great shows. It is an honor to be the star of this show this afternoon. Bravo, indeed."

    The wizard looks down, grinning a little, before staring straight in to the eyes of the trio.

    "Say, when I am back from the dead, maybe I can give you three your own opportunity to star in your own, similar, performance piece. How about it? Just some food for thought."

    If I am able to, I'd love to exert any magical power I have left to use the SPOOK (arcana in place of intimidate) spell to add my arcana to my last line, to help reinforce Klumn's attempt at mentally drilling in some of his unnerving last words.

    +12 to Arcana

    Last edited by Dungeon Master Orange on Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:01 pm

    The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice3
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:22 pm

    Dungeon wrote:The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice3

    The older Vandemeer and Melichor are grizzled from many years of soldiering and prison keeping and are largely unfazed by the threats. Poor Tom, however, wets himself.

    "Oh you are upset! I was worried you'd be upset, I told them it would be upsetting but the Patrician insists! Says it is good to have an escape option, keeps up the exercise, prevents moping and gives hope. The Patrician says hope is very important."
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:53 pm

    Due to lack of responses, I will continue as I please. ^^

    "Well you folks seem to have calmed down. I suppose we should get this business over with eh? Can't keep the fans waiting. Edwin will take it from here."

    The executioner grins at all of you as he slips the nooses around your necks.

    "Great to meet you guys! Heard about your escape! Good stuff, good stuff. Professional tip, when I drop you try and flail a lot, the crowds love that."

    You stare out at the astoundingly large group of people who have turned up to watch your deaths. You aren't sure whether to feel flattered or offended at the turn out.

    Edwin the Executioner clears his throat and begins to speak to the crowd in a booming voice.

    "Attention all! We are here to execute these criminals who have been found by the Patrician to be habitual liars, fraudsters by vocation, natural-born criminals and generally untrustworthy! Who is ready to see them hang?"

    The cheers of the crowd are nearly deafening, and you can't help but wonder what you did to earn such hatred.

    "Well then!" He shouts "Lets get this show on the road!"

    With the flip of a lever you feel yourselves drop and suddenly terrible intense pain then you no longer feel anything...
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:18 pm

    Once again, the four of you wake up in a strange place. You really seem to be making a habit of this. The room clearly belongs to someone quite wealthy, but it is rather simple as if its owner doesn't have time for something as frivolous as decoration or fun.

    You are seated across from a large desk, on the other side of it sits a rather severe looking woman who appears to be reading a newspaper.

    You aren't dead, that is a plus. However, you aren't sure if it is the horrible neck pain you are still experiencing or just the shock from almost dying, but you feel.... different. Either way you probably won't be able to use magic for awhile or attack very quickly.
    Phedre nicEssus
    Phedre nicEssus
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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Phedre nicEssus Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:30 pm

    Phedre felt horrid. In just a few hours time shed been hit in the back of the head, gassed, and hung. This was not a good day for her. Not knowing where she was or what was going on she choose to stay quiet and hoped no one noticed she was awake till she felt a bit better.
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:56 pm

    Metah Fore wrote:Once again, the four of you wake up in a strange place. You really seem to be making a habit of this. The room clearly belongs to someone quite wealthy, but it is rather simple as if its owner doesn't have time for something as frivolous as decoration or fun.

    You are seated across from a large desk, on the other side of it sits a rather severe looking woman who appears to be reading a newspaper.

    You aren't dead, that is a plus. However, you aren't sure if it is the horrible neck pain you are still experiencing or just the shock from almost dying, but you feel.... different. Either way you probably won't be able to use magic for awhile or attack very quickly.

    Klumn rubs his neck. This isn't quite what he expected to see next, to be perfectly honest.

    Klumn wants to get a better sense of where he is before acting. I am gonna take a look around, see if I can tell if.. well, am I alive or dead. See if the surroundings look particularly strange. Perception and Insight are both +1, so I will roll whichever makes more sense.
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:56 pm

    The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice16
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:25 pm

    Dungeon wrote:The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Forumdice16

    You notice that there appear to be slots in all around the ceiling. In them you can see the glimmer of crossbows. You have a feeling that if any of you were to jump to attack the woman before you, you would all be dead before you succeeded. Come to think of it, you are alive. The pain in you neck and the unfamiliar weight on your chest proves that. Wait... heaviness... your chest isn't usually heavy. You appear... to have breasts. Odd...

    The woman notices you looking around the room.

    "Ah, it looks like you are finally awake. How are you feeling?"

    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    Holy Fuck! Another Campaign! - Page 3 Empty Re: Holy Fuck! Another Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:44 am

    Metah Fore wrote:
    You notice that there appear to be slots in all around the ceiling. In them you can see the glimmer of crossbows. You have a feeling that if any of you were to jump to attack the woman before you, you would all be dead before you succeeded. Come to think of it, you are alive. The pain in you neck and the unfamiliar weight on your chest proves that. Wait... heaviness... your chest isn't usually heavy. You appear... to have breasts. Odd...

    The woman notices you looking around the room.

    "Ah, it looks like you are finally awake. How are you feeling?"

    "To be honest, I feel like I have been asleep for months now. And a few rather important details seem to be .. different. I am happy to know I am not dead at least. My name is Klumn, how do you do?"

    Klumn, slightly bewildered by his bodily changes, looks around to see if anything changed about his party members..

    .. Particularly, his wife.

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