Spirit-Chaser Strategy Guide

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Dungeon Master Orange
6 posters

    The Main Campaign!

    Phedre nicEssus
    Phedre nicEssus
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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Phedre nicEssus Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:40 am

    So I've had an odd childhood. My family moved around. A lot. So when we settled in Red Terrace, it meant a lot to me to have a steady home. I think I surprised my family when I decided to join the Red Talon scouts. They always figured I'd settle down at a hospital. But what they didn't understand is that the idea of not being able to help front line foot soldiers was weighing down on my conscience a wee bit.

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    So I joined the Red Talons to be a mobile front line medic. I strongly believed that is where I could do the most good to the most people. The day we graduated to full scouts was perhaps the best day I could remember of my life!

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    I even got my very own bird! He was young and untried, but I was happy to bond with him.

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    That night however, we were gonna be put to the test so much sooner than I had thought we would be. A demon snake attacked the only home I loved and stole the magical heart of it. Without the bell, it would all wither and die.

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    We set off for information and stumbled across a town being raided by goblins. As much as I studied healing, I really wasn't the best at combat.

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    But that was before I blasted a demon smoke snake into a crater and wiped out nearly a whole town hall of goblins. I really should be more sorry about the loss of life but I just can't help feeling a bit like a bad ass about it.

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    There was a show down with the leader of the goblins, and frankly I'm still a bit confused about what exactly happened. There was a competition of sorts? Dancing? Umm, it was all rather surreal.

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    We met some magic folk in a city that helped us get a ticket on a train. We played hide and seek with some kids and I totally won with a well placed lunch.

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    Things get fuzzy after that. There was alcohol involved, and jail. I'm not sure what happened, but I hope I had fun.

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    Now its time to get back to hunting a demon snake and getting the bell back home.

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    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:23 pm

    The gnome, Leopold, along with his seven children sit across a small table from you with wide eyes. "Whoaaaaaaaaaa", they say in unison.

    Meadbeard chuckles, "Ach, das is hell of a story, i'll tell you what. An' a good one at that!" The dwarf taps the side of his head, "I'll have to keep that one in storage for later."

    With drinks in hand that she had purchased from the train's bar, Limbo sits down with your party. "Did I miss anything good?"

    Meadbeard pats the half-elf on the back, "Oy, you missed it all, but don't worry lass i'll retell it soon as we get setup in Red Terrace. I can't wait to hear how it all ends."

    After a few moments of gazing at the passing landscape, Viviana von Vechtan enters from a neighboring car. Addressing your party, she says, "Do you have a moment? Klumn is asking to see you all. It has to do with the book."
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:28 pm

    As always, feel free to respond to any previous post, or even use this space to ask out-of-character questions about the setting, location, or just anything you want.
    Pirate Queen

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Vasani Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:38 pm

    Drink (or two) in hand, Vasani follows Viviana into the next car, curious about this fancy magical book the others came into possession of.
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:45 am

    You take a moment to take in the scenery as you change train-cars. Leopold's train had a certain.. rustic charm, but the Evensong trains always ran with top quality. Looking on the horizon, it'll only be a few hours before you get off the train at the edge of the Untamed Woods, and soon after, home again.

    In the next car, you find Klumn surrounded by old tomes and bottles of various magical reagents. Beside him, Viviana sits with a needle and thread, working on something or other.

    Klumn, with his ever-present cheerful smile, welcomes your party in and conjures you each a large pillow to sit on. "I have good news and bad news.." he says, gesturing towards the Spirit-Chaser's Strategy Guide.

    "The good news is that, through time, knowledge and a healthy dose of magic, I was able to translate the page regarding the demon you seek; the giant serpent known as Jasper, the Untamed."

    The gnome glances over a piece of paper with slight uncertainty before handing it over to your party.

    "However.. even with all that, I simply was not able to fully translate it fully. The fact is, the dwarven language that was used to write this book is.. ancient. Far more ancient than anything I have ever seen. How different it is from the dwarven we know today is absolutely staggering. Perhaps with more time that we do not have, it or other pages can be translated with more precision but.. this is the best I can do given the circumstances. I hope it can still help."

    You glance down at the paper. You notice an anatomical drawing of the giant serpent demon, as well as a long list of roughly translated instructions. They read,  


    Remains Jasper, of nature, it is the other party a very dangerous, but please do not worry! In order to surprise the odd and technology can be forcibly and Jasper pattern beaten in, the animal will be beatable so he is weak anyone at any level of this.

    In order to kill the devil remains of serpent, Jasper, of nature, the Druid of the first four, you need to have (North, East, South and West) in the four directions around the beast. The Druid of each, Druid PERFORMANCE execution of each of the legs of a complete poem, such as tapping the hand immediately once twice by specifying the name of each file while stomps the spell of the next in the order of north, south, ALL EAST, of WEST There is a need, such as running. You must participate for chorus of each Druid.

    Add any of the Druid, and other (such as noise and other banners such) instruments and accessories can help you this ritual.

    - -

    Friends, boy you have to, make a loud noise
    Playing in the street become a great man, one
    I am one of you mud in the face of
    You are a shame
    The Kicking box around your

    - -

    We shake our hope that you
    We shake our hope that you

    - -

    Friends that you are a hard man young man
    As you take to the world of the day 'and Shoutin
    I got blood on yo face you
    You are a shame
    The Wavin your banner all over

    - -

    We shake our hope that you
    (I sing!)
    We shake our hope that you

    - -

    Friends that you are a poor man old man
    I'll update a little peace pleading are you in your eyes
    There is dirt on your face you
    Big shame
    And put you in your place to someone better

    - -

    We shake our hope that you
    (I sing!)
    We shake our hope that you

    We shake our hope that you
    We shake our hope that you
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:15 pm

    Your party stares at the paper in silence. After a few awkward moments, Klumn coughs, and than smiles. "Yes, well. Maybe after all this is done I can work on finding a way to translate pages with more accuracy."

    As the gnome is speaking, Cameron walks in with Azazel, Susan, Limbo, Leopold, and Meadbeard following behind him.

    "Cameron! Perfect timing." The gnome hops up from his chair, and walks in to a small room within the train-car. Viviana stands, holding out the cloth she had been embroidering.

    "We wanted to give you this gift, Cameron, for you and for the team you represent."

    Cameron accepts the gift, and turns around to show the rest of your party. In his hands he holds a large scarlet banner, with the Red Talon Scout's emblem embroidered in to it with black thread. It closely resembles your own scarves in shape, style, and proportion, but maybe 10 times the size.

    "Even by looking around you, you have gained followers who believe in your party. You are much more than a group of scouts, you are now a team. I can say with certainty that any of us will stand by you under the Red Talon Banner at a moment's notice."

    Klumn returns with a 10 foot tall pole carved from redwood, and carefully detailed with intricate designs. Cameron and Klumn than affix the banner to the top of the pole. The gnome smiles at his handiwork.

    "Well now, best get your bags and belongings gathered, as we are nearing Red Terrace. What do you say to fighting a demon?"
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:21 pm

    "Hey what do these do?"

    This is followed by a crash as Metah manages to knock down about five of the mysterious bottles.

    "Hahahaha oops.... Never mind!"

    Metah tries to puzzle over the strange translation given by Klumn.

    "Now, I haven't had much book learnin... but does that mean we have to make a bunch of music and noise with druids to beat this guy? 'Cause I mean Tabby is a druid sort of right? And I'm good at making noise. SO GOOD AT IT!

    Or did this guy take our bell because he was beaten by music before and the sound of it makes him angry? Like like like.... when I broke my brother's whistle because he kept blowing it in my ears when I was trying to sleep? I don't think I understand this at all"

    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:26 pm

    Mysterious DM dice rolls!
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:26 pm

    The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    #1 'd10' :
    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Forumdiced10
    #1 Result : 5


    #2 'd10' :
    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Forumdiced10
    #2 Result : 3
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:28 pm

    Metah feels a strange sensation as the broken bottles leak odd aromas in to the air. You feel.. tougher. More awake. MORE FOCUSED.

    Can Metah roll a d6 for me?
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:48 pm

    Cassie roll go go !
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:48 pm

    The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd6' :
    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Forumdiced6
    Result : 1
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:48 pm

    For the 1 day, Metah will be immune to INTOXICATION.
    Metah Fore
    Master of Gobhorse

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:51 pm

    "ONLY ONE DAY?!?" Metah grabs six bottles of differently colored boozes and starts drinking like s/he is related to Vasani.
    Pirate Queen

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Vasani Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:05 pm

    Vasani watches Metah down bottle after bottle of booze with an odd mixture of pride, awe, and jealousy.

    Wait. She looks at Klumn. "Why do you have potions that do that?"
    Metah Fore
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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Metah Fore Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:07 pm

    Obviously he likes to party!
    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:09 pm

    Klumn looks back at Vasani; His smile turns in to a grin.
    Pirate Queen

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Vasani Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:13 pm

    Vasani stares down at the tabletop, looking as if she's questioning everything she's ever known.

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    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:14 pm

    oh my god are you really gonna keep up with the robert downey jr gifs
    Pirate Queen

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Vasani Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:19 pm

    Dungeon Master Orange wrote:oh my god are you really gonna keep up with the robert downey jr gifs

    I'll stop using them when they stop being so god damn perfect.
    Tabitha Oakenfleur
    Tabitha Oakenfleur
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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Tabitha Oakenfleur Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:42 pm

    Vasani Shepard wrote: I'll stop using them when they stop being so god damn perfect.

    Fair enough.

    Tabitha motions for the translation as the others wander off. She reads it over, and over again. Focused, she readjusts in her seat, crossing her legs as she leans almost comically over the paper and mutters to herself...and anyone listening. "Okay...okay okay. Mmm...kay. Igotdis.

    Dungeon Master Orange wrote:Remains Jasper, of nature, it is the other party a very dangerous, but please do not worry! In order to surprise the odd and technology can be forcibly and Jasper pattern beaten in, the animal will be beatable so he is weak anyone at any level of this.

    So...Jasper is tough shit but we can do this thing and still beat him.

    Dungeon Master Orange wrote:In order to kill the devil remains of serpent, Jasper, of nature, the Druid of the first four, you need to have (North, East, South and West) in the four directions around the beast. The Druid of each, Druid PERFORMANCE execution of each of the legs of a complete poem, such as tapping the hand immediately once twice by specifying the name of each file while stomps the spell of the next in the order of north, south, ALL EAST, of WEST There is a need, such as running. You must participate for chorus of each Druid.

    Add any of the Druid, and other (such as noise and other banners such) instruments and accessories can help you this ritual.

    Okay it gets trickier now. "Druid" stands out..."four" and the four cardinal directions. Okay so one Druid at each point of the compass. Hopefully we'll manage with half a Druid and some scouts. We...each have to perform...part of this song...going from the person in the north, then south....east...and west? But we have to....run? We all gotta participate.

    AH!" Tabby looks up and suddenly points at the banner in Cameron's hands. "Helpful! Good." She starts to go back to the paper, but her head snaps back up to fully admire the craftsmanship. "Oh! That's really beautiful...thank you, really."


    "I feel like I KNOW this song. It's familiar but...wrong somehow." Tabby glares at the page, racking her brain for the correct words and tune. Rereading the instructions, she stops at the portion describing some sort of clapping and stomping. A rhythm! After some trial and error, Tabitha unfolds her legs and taps out the beat.

    Step...step...clap. Step...step...clap.

    "GUYS!" Usually this takes a lot more booze, but caught up in her excitement, Tabby carefully sings what she thinks are the correct lyrics.

    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:35 pm

    As the train approaches a small town on the edge of the Untamed Wood, your party packs their bags. You pile the von Vechtan's (Leo, Limbo, Klumn, Vivi, and all of the children), Meadbeard, Azazel, and Ms. Susan Evensong spread out between your party's five crows and set off towards your final destination.

    Not before long, Brandis Krisnhnav intercepts your party.

    "You're back! Did you do it? Did you find the book? Here let me take some people, nice to meet you i'm Brandis!"

    Soon, nearly every scout on patrol intercepts your party, even bringing extra ravens to help carry your large party; All of them excited by your return.

    You finally see Red Terrace in the distance, however it isn't as you left it. The great redwood the village sits on is clearly dying. The branches are beginning to give way to the weight of the city, and the terraces are beginning to warp and bend. You land on the main shopping terrace, dropping off your passengers.

    "We will let Annie and Panzer know you are here, if they haven't figured it out already." says Donovan, "Come see her whenever you are ready."

    At this point, you may either visit the town's various shops or other locations at your leisure.

    Whenever you are ready to begin the final battle, visit Annie at the Scout Barracks.

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    Dungeon Master Orange
    Dungeon Master Orange

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    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Empty Re: The Main Campaign!

    Post  Dungeon Master Orange Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:41 pm

    The member 'Dungeon Master Orange' has done the following action : Roll them dice!

    'd20' :
    The Main Campaign! - Page 36 Forumdice13

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